We believe by now, a good number of UTME candidates must have printed their 2018 JAMB exam slip and now know their exam venue, exam date and time.
Now, here is a platform for candidates to connect with others who will be taking the exam at the same centre as theirs.
This post is strictly for those who have already checked their JAMB Exam Slip for the 2018 UTME. If you don't still know your exam centre, date and time, check it on this thread:
Official Link To Print JAMB Exam Slip For 2018 UTME
Simply post a comment of your;
1. State
2. Exam Centre
3. Exam Date
4. Exam Time
5. Subjects you intend to take
If you are not sure of how to locate your exam centre, this is equally an opportunity to get the direction from other candidates who may know.
Now, let's get it rolling!
This post is strictly for those who have already checked their JAMB Exam Slip for the 2018 UTME. If you don't still know your exam centre, date and time, check it on this thread:
Official Link To Print JAMB Exam Slip For 2018 UTME
Simply post a comment of your;
1. State
2. Exam Centre
3. Exam Date
4. Exam Time
5. Subjects you intend to take
If you are not sure of how to locate your exam centre, this is equally an opportunity to get the direction from other candidates who may know.
Now, let's get it rolling!
